Human Research Protections (HRP) updates the web-based IRB Continuing Protocol Application (CPA) effective February 28, 2018As part of the Human Research Protections’ ongoing efforts to reduce investigator burden and to increase efficiency, the IRB Continuing Protocol Application (CPA) has undergone an update, with many new features. The major changes include: ·The requirement to obtain Lead Researcher, Faculty Sponsor, and Department Chair / Organized Research Unit Director signatures has been eliminated. ·The CPA may now be utilized to submit a Study Closure to the IRB. ·For Expedited research that qualifies for extended IRB approval, the CPA has been significantly abbreviated. ·The CPA process has been expanded to include Exempt research. Rather than submitting a new IRB application at the end of the Exempt registration period, researchers may now submit a CPA to extend their registration for another three-year period. Important Notes: ·Exempt research studies that are currently approved will remain on their current review cycle. A courtesy reminder will be sent to researchers 60 and 30 days prior to the expiration of the registration period with instructions to submit a CPA. ·To accommodate the revised CPA process, beginning February 28, 2018 new and continuing Exempt research will be registered for three years. The updated IRB CPA will be available on February 28, 2018. |
Human Research Protections More news at https://news.research.uci.edu |