Enhancements to the Human and Animal Protocol Status Search

Dear Colleagues,

ERA is pleased to announce a new functionality to the Human and Animal Protocol Status Search. We have added a drill through link with funding source information for human protocols. Any human protocol w/ funding source information will have the Protocol Number hyperlinked. Clicking on the link will direct the user to a separate funding report pulled from KR Award.



The update will be deployed tomorrow (2/19) at noon with minimal impact or interruption to users; however, if you are experiencing unexpected results, please relaunch the Human and Animal Protocol Status Search report by clicking on the link below.

https://cognos.oit.uci.edu/ibmcognos/bi/?pathRef=.public_folders%2FOffice+of+Research%2FReports%2FCampus%2FINPR-OR-010-Human+and+Animal+Protocol+Status&format=HTML& Download=false&prompt=true&ui_navbar=false

When accessing the report off campus, you will need to securely connect through a UCI VPN; please visit the OIT Web page: https://www.oit.uci.edu/help/vpn/.

If you have any issues or feedback, please contact us at .

Thank you!

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