Change to the RSC/IRB Review Process
Effective October 1, 2011, new Institutional Review Board (IRB) applications that include research procedures involving radioactive materials or radiation-producing machines and modification requests that add research procedures involving radiation must obtain Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) approval prior to IRB review.
During UCI’s recent three-day site visit from theAssociation for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. . (AAHRPP) it was noted that the IRB did not review the results of the RSC before granting approval. AAHRPP considers the RSC’s determination relevant to the protection of research participants. Therefore this change to the IRB review process is necessary to ensure that UCI has a comprehensive Human Research
Protections (HRP) program.
Questions about the RSC or the IRB Review Process?
For questions about the RSC review process please contact Barbara
Hamrick, Medical Center Radiation Safety Officer at (714)456-5607 or or Rick Mannix, Campus Radiation Safety Officer at
(949) 824-6098.
For questions about the IRB review process you may contact Karen Allen,
Director of Research Protections at (949) 824-1558 or, or any of the HRP Staff.
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