World Week for Animals in Laboratories – PLEASE SHARE WITH ALL LABORATORY STAFF

World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week (WLALW) and World Week for Animals in Laboratories (WWAIL) will be observed from Saturday April 15 through Sunday April 23, 2017. Various so-called “animal rights” groups organize protests and other activities at research institutions during this time each year. There is currently no information available regarding planned activities aimed at UCI, but all members of our research community are encouraged to exercise extra vigilance during this time.

Security guidelines have been provided by the Office of Research at ULAR Policies and Guidelines – click on Policies & Information/Security and choose “Animal Facility Security.”   Please report any suspicious activities to UCI Policy or UCIMC Security at the numbers listed below. 

Two PDF documents are attached to this email: 

·A poster with guidelines for responding to suspicious activity, protesters, vandals or phone calls requesting information about animal research at UCI.  Feel free to print out this poster and share it with laboratory members, teaching assistants in classes that utilize vertebrate animals, and any administrative staff who may receive inquiries about animal research from the media or the general public.  It may be useful to post this sign near laboratory or office phones for quick reference.

·“Authorized Personnel Only” sign for posting on the doors to your laboratory and other animal-use areas outside of the vivarium.

The key to ensuring personal safety and laboratory security in the event of anti-research extremist activity is to be prepared for any scenario. Campus Security, University Communications and ULAR management are on alert and ready to respond in the event of anti-animal research activity.   Contact information is listed below.

For security and personal safety concerns:

UCI Campus Police — 911 for emergencies, (949) 824-5223 for less-urgent matters
UCI Medical Center Security — (714) 456-5222

For assistance with responding to questions about your research:

Tom Vasich
Director of Research Communications

University Communications

Phone: (949) 824-6455

For animal facility issues:

Dr. Claire Lindsell,
Director of University Laboratory Animal Resources (ULAR)

Phone: (949) 824-0569

General ULAR phone number: (949) 824-7788

This message has been sent to multiple mailing lists – we apologize if you have received it more than once.

Please visit the IACUC website for more information about UCI’s animal care program


pdf icon Animal-Research-Security-Guidance-Poster.pdf
pdf icon Authorized-Personnel-Only-sign.pdf

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