RP Roadmap is Available!



The Research Protections (RP) Roadmap is now available!


The RP Roadmap is a web-based tool designed to help investigators plan the regulatory and institutional pathway to research initiation. 


Depending on the proposed activity, the number and type of regulatory committee approvals and/or processes varies.  Moreover, the timing of these approvals and processes is critical. 


The RP Roadmap takes 5-10 minutes to complete.  The user answers a series of yes / no questions about the proposed activity to help determine the applicable regulatory and institutional requirements.


At the end, a PDF document listing the required approvals and processes is provided.  Traffic signal icons indicate the timing of these requirements relative to three Office of Research committees: the Institutional Review Board (IRB), the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and the Human Stem Cell Research Oversight (hSCRO) committee for stem cell research.


We encourage you to try the RP Roadmap available at: https://services.adcom.uci.edu/fars/submitter/?form=rp_roadmap


A link to the roadmap is also available on the main web pages of the IRB, IACUC, and hSCRO committees.


Please send any questions or comments about the RP Roadmap to Jessica.sheldon@uci.edu.


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