Correction: Research Management System (RMS) – Announcing Phase 2 Launch!

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OR News & Announcements

Research Management System (RMS) for the Animal Care and Use Program
Announcing Phase 2 Launch!

Dear Researchers,

On Wednesday, February 1, 2017, the Office of Research (OR) will release the Research Management System (RMS) online animal ordering and cage management module ( for use by researchers and support staff.  This module is part of OR’s ongoing efforts to modernize UCI’s research support and compliance systems and reduce administrative burden.  This initial release will benefit UCI’s researchers and staff by:

·Eliminating the paper request form (no more signatures) and replacing it with the web-based system;

·Automating integration between the RMS and KFS systems, which eliminates the need for uploading animal order requests via KFS;

·Tracking animal order status updates from order placement to delivery;

·Allowing researchers to submit orders at any time (note: UCI places orders during UCI/vendor business hours);

·Providing real-time information about approved and available animal numbers per protocol;

·Providing cage census information to increase billing transparency; and

·Reducing the chance of performing non-approved procedures through read-access to protocol documents for all personnel approved on the protocol. 

In the coming months, OR will release additional animal ordering and cage management functionality.  Our highest priorities are directed at enabling the use of multiple KFS accounts to split fund animal orders, fully integrating RMS with KFS and enabling use of all appropriate KFS FAU attributes like Sub Accounts, Sub Object Codes and Project Codes.  In the meantime, please visit the RMS on-line user guide for detailed instructions, general hints, power-user tips, FAQs and other suggestions on how to effectively and efficiently use this module.

Additional help and one-on-one training is available. Also, because the RMS system is evolving, we are open to suggestions regarding future – and feedback about current – functionality.  To request assistance, training or to provide feedback, please contact the RMS help desk at rms or call (949) 824-2142.

Craig Walsh, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Engagement

Claire Lindsell, BVSc, PhD, DACLAM
Director, University Laboratory Animal Resources


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