Please Update Your Browsers by Nov. 30 to UseeRA Modules; New Security Mandated For Websites

Dear Colleagues,

Please see the notice below from NIH regarding new browser requirements necessary to access NIH’s eRA Modules (including eRA Commons & ASSIST) effective Nov. 30. Please be sure you are using the suggested versions of internet browsers listed below.

Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Jonathan K. Lew, MPA

eRA Officer

Sponsored Projects Administration

UCI Office of Research

141 Innovation, Suite 250

Irvine, CA 92697-7600



eRA Information: Please Update Your Browsers by Nov. 30 to Use eRA Modules; New Security Mandated For Websites


eRA has been working on strengthening the security of its modules, web services and websites to the federally mandated ‘https only’ secure connection required for all federal agencies.

The ‘https’ connection offers “the strongest privacy and integrity protection currently available for public web connections,” the Office of Management and Budget wrote in mandating federal agencies adopt this standard by the end of 2016.

Effective November 30, 2016, all eRA modules (eRA Commons, ASSIST, IAR and iEdison), web services and websites will use ‘https only’ secure connections. 

What This Means for You

You may need to update your web browser to continue using eRA modules:

·With this policy, some browser versions will no longer work.

·Here is a list of browsers and versions that will still work properly following the update:

These three are also the browsers eRA uses to develop and test its modules for browser compatibility, as listed in the eRA Browser Compatibility statement. While lower versions are listed below, we encourage you to upgrade to the versions listed in our browser compatibility statement above to ensure you have an optimal experience when using eRA modules.

oGoogle Chrome®  version and higher

oFirefox® version 4 and higher; with Firefox 17, Mozilla® integrates a list of websites supporting the new protocol

oInternet Explorer® 11 on Windows® 8.1 and Windows® 7 when KB 3058515 or higher is installed (Released on Windows Update in June 2015)

These four are the other browser versions that will work with the security upgrade, but are not included in the in the eRA Browser Compatibility statement:


oOpera®  version 12 and later

oSafari® as of OS X Mavericks

oMicrosoft® Edge™ and Internet Explorer® 11 on Windows® 10

More information is available at and OMB M-15-13.

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