Patent Acknowledgement Added to Kuali Research Proposal Approval

message from Pramod Khargonekar

Patent Acknowledgement Added to Kuali Research Proposal Approval

As of Monday, 11/09/2020, the Principal Investigator’s approval language in the Kuali Research proposal has been updated to include a statement about the Patent Acknowledgement form to ensure that certain contractual obligations to sponsors are met. By approving the proposal in Kuali Research, the Principal Investigator also now confirms that he/she and all personnel on the project/study have signed either the new Patent Acknowledgement form (applicable to all new employees, appointees, and visitors as of 11/1/2011) or the Patent Acknowledgement form 10/1/1997 and the amendment thereto.

The University of California, like other research universities, requires all employees and other personnel who use university research facilities or resources to sign a Patent Acknowledgment form as a condition of employment or visitor status. Employees can check UC Path to confirm whether they have completed the Patent Acknowledgement form. In addition, the UC Path Patent Inquiry tool is available to check whether an employee has signed the Patent Acknowledgement form. You may need to request a KSAMS role for accessing the UC Path Patent Inquiry Tool from your department security administrator (DSA).

If you have any questions regarding this change, please contact your Contract and Grant Officer.


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