NSF has posted Important Notice (IN) 147,Research.gov Implementation Update. The notice states that NSF will beginĀ taking incremental steps to move the preparation and submission of all proposals from FastLane to Research.gov with a tentative target date for completion by 2022.
In the coming weeks and months, NSF will begin making changes to specific funding opportunities to require the use of Research.gov for the preparation and submission of proposals to NSF.The Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) will soon require the use of Research.gov for the preparation and submission of proposals in response to its core programs that do not have deadline dates. NSF funding opportunities will clearly specify whether submission via Research.gov is available or required.
If you should have any questions regarding this notice, please contact your Federal Contract and Grant Officer or the ERA Team.
Executive Director, Sponsored Projects Administration
Office of Research
University of California, Irvine