NIH Policy Notice Minimum Level of Effort for NCI Funded Awards

Dear Colleagues,

Below is a summary of a recent NIH policy notice.  Please review the notice and forward them to faculty, researchers and staff, as appropriate.  Questions regarding this notice should be directed to your Contract and Grant Officer. 

This notice describes the NCI’s policy on the minimum level of effort that will be a part of funding consideration for NCI-funded grants.  Principal Investigators, including Project Leaders on multi-project grants, will be required to commit a minimum level of effort to be eligible for NCI funding through R01, U01, P01, and R21 grant mechanisms.  Effective immediately, competing applications that do not meet the minimum criteria will not be considered for funding unless the level of effort is raised to comply with the policy.  The minimum effort policy will not apply when the grant is in a no-cost extension.

Please review the notice for additional information including specific minimal levels of effort as indicated by role and grant mechanism.

Thank you!

Grace J. Park, J.D.

Assistant Director, Sponsored Projects

Office of Research

141 Innovation, Suite 250

Irvine, CA 92697-7600


Zot Code:  7600

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