Dear Colleagues,
NIH released the guide notice below that announces increases in stipend levels, tuition and fees, training-related expenses, and institutional allowance for predoctoral and post-doctoral scholars who are NRSA recipients.
The National Institutes of Health announced an increase in annual pay levels for predoctoral and postdoctoral scholars at NIH-funded external institutions who are recipients of the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA). Predoctoral scholars will receive an approximate 4% increase in their pay level bringing it to $28,224, and postdoctoral scholars will receive an approximate increase of 8%, with pay levels beginning at $61,008 and upwardly adjusted based on years of experience.
Eligible recipients also will receive a $500 increase in subsidies for childcare and an additional $200 for training-related expenses.
The notice also includes a reminder that the maximum amount that NIH will award to support the compensation package for a graduate student researcher remains at the zero level postdoctoral stipend, as described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement
Please review the notice for additional information. Questions regarding this notice should be directed to your Federal Contract and Grant Officer.
University of California, Irvine