NIH Important Notice

Dear Colleagues:

The NIH Guide Notice below provides important information for faculty, researchers and administrators. Please disseminate this information as appropriate. Questions regarding these notices should be directed to a Contract and Grant Officer in Sponsored Projects.


Impact of Washington, DC Area Federal Office Operating Status on NIH Grant Application Due Dates
(NOT-OD-17-041) National Institutes of Health

This notice describes the impact of Federal office closures on grant application due dates.

Although and eRA Commons systems are fully functional and many NIH employees telework in lieu of taking leave during office closures, NIH is unable to guarantee the same level of support from service desks and staff as provided when offices are open. For this reason, effective immediately, NIH will shift grant application due dates to the next business day under specific emergency conditions.

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) determines the operating status for Federal offices in the Washington, DC area and provides that status on their Snow and Dismissal Procedures site. Grant applicants should consult this site to determine NIH operating status.

Grant application due dates will move to the next business day when the OPM operating status on the original due date is:

·Federal offices are closed – Emergency and telework-ready employees must follow their agency’s policies

·Open – Early departure

·Immediate departure – Federal offices are closed


Please review the full guide notice for additional information regarding this requirement.


Nancy Lewis
Executive Director, Sponsored Projects

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