NEW! Updated fields in DW Query

Dear Colleagues,


We’ve added and updated fields in the Award Attributes Tab of the Contracts/Grants Ad Hoc Query  opens in new window .


The updated fields are:


Project Start Date

Project End Date

Obligation Start Date

Obligation End Date

There are no longer fields named Award Start Date and Award End Date.





Project start and end dates refer to the award’s entire period of performance while the obligation start and end dates refer to the budget periods.


In the example below, the entire project period is 05/20/2021 – 01/31/2026. The obligated dates (ie the budget period) is 05/20/2021 – 01/31/2022.




Please let me know directly if you have any questions regarding these new fields.


Have a great weekend!




Barbara Inderwiesche, CRA

Director, Electronic Research Administration

UCI Office of Research

160 Aldrich Hall

Irvine, CA 92697-7600

Ph: 949.824.4789

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