Dear Colleagues,
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has been working on a multi-year initiative to modernize the proposal submission and award management process and transition from using Fastlane (which was originally launched in 1994) to Currently, some actions that were processed in Fastlane in the past have already migrated to Examples include no cost extensions requests & PI/Award Transfers. Eventually, all of the current functions in Fastlane will be migrated entirely into
One big step toward this modernization relates to proposal submission. As of April 30, 2018, proposers can now choose to prepare and submit non-collaborative research proposals in Fastlane or Collaborative proposals must still be submitted in Fastlane.
Please visit NSF’s website for more details: New Proposal Preparation & Submission Information
There is also a page of FAQs available as well: New Proposal Preparation & Submission FAQs
If you’d like more information regarding, please visit the FAQ page: FAQs
Please forward this notice to your faculty to ensure that they are aware of this new option to submit NSF proposals.
Keep in mind that Cayuse 424 is still available as an option for NSF proposal submissions.
If you have any questions or require assistance with, please contact the ERA Team at
The ERA Office Hours will also available for training in the system. Please search for “office hours” on UCLC to register.
Thank you,
Jonathan K. Lew, MPA
eRA Officer
UCI Office of Research
141 Innovation, Suite 250
Irvine, CA 92697-7600
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