NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreements Training Opportunity (training for our external stakeholders)

Dear Colleagues,
We are forwarding the announcement below regarding a new training opportunity on NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreements. Please note that the following training videos are also available for viewing at the NASA training website.
Nancy Lewis
Senior Director, Sponsored Projects Administration
Office of Research
University of California, Irvine
160 Aldrich Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-7600
Ph-(949) 824-2897


From: NSSC-Grant-Administration <;
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 12:56 PM
Subject: NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreements 102 is LIVE! (training for our external stakeholders)



Grants Community,


A few weeks ago, we released Grants and Cooperative Agreements 101: An Overview of Financial Assistance. We are pleased to announce the release of “Grants and Cooperative Agreements 102: An Overview of NASA’s Grant Environment” live on the PMPD/GPC YouTube Playlist! 


While Grants and Cooperative Agreements 101 provided insight into Federal financial assistance from a Government-wide lens, Grants and Cooperative Agreements 102 provides an overview of the various grant programs while focusing on:

  • award-related roles and responsibilities,
  • the four phases of the grants lifecycle,
  • associated activities in the award’s lifecycle,
  • audit requirements for NASA award recipients, and
  • best practices for efficiently managing a NASA grant award.


This pre-recorded training is designed to equip proposers and grantees with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively navigate the NASA grants landscape.


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