KR Protocols – New “Protocols Validations” Feature Released

Dear Colleagues,


The ERA team is excited to announce the much anticipated “Protocols Validations” feature for Admin Contacts (ACs). This enhancement allows the AC to check if a form is complete before notifying the PI to submit in Kuali Research Protocols (KRP)!


This new functionality was recently released by our vendor and is now live in KRP.


Clicking ‘Notify PI To Submit’ will now run form validations first to alert you of any errors you may want to correct. If there are validation errors you will get a popup window informing you of the error count and you can choose ‘Show me’ – the popup will close and you can review the validation errors on the form – or ‘Notify PI Anyways’ – the notification will send to the PI anyway without addressing the errors.



If you have any questions or feedback on this new feature, please contact


Thank you!


The ERA Team

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