Dear Colleagues:
For the last few months, the Subawards Team in Sponsored Projects has made significant changes to our outgoing subaward procedures; these changes were made to accomplish several important goals:
Ø improve our overall service including response time;
Ø align with the requirements of the purchasing module of the Kuali Financial System;
Ø ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations;
Ø establish and/or clarify roles and responsibilities; and
Ø streamline our processes when possible.
From March, 2013 to the present, the procedures were piloted with a group of departments that have heavy subaward volume. The feedback that we received was positive. As a result, we are rolling out the new process to the rest of the campus effective July 1, 2013.
As an important component of our improvement efforts, we have introduced a new process document, forms and an information brochure. These documents are described and linked below and they have also been added to the Sponsored Projects website.
They are as follows:
Subaward Forms – Usage & Purpose
This is a very useful reference and a quick guide questions about our outgoing subaward procedures.
MCA Commitment Form ( Subawards to other UC campuses)
This is a shorter version of our existing Subrecipient Commitment Form that should be used for all outgoing subawards to UC campuses.
Subaward Request Form (SRF)
The Subaward Request form (SRF) replaces the current Subaward Verification form (SVF) and should be used initiate any subaward related transaction, including requests for new subawards, no cost extensions, increase of time and funding, de-obligation, and etc… SRF’s should be completed by the administering unit and forwarded to to initiate a subaward transaction. Please note that SPA will not work on any subaward transactions without a properly completed and signed SRF. Also, please note that PI signature is required for new subaward requests as well as subaward modification requests.
Sole Source Justification
The Sole Source Form is required if the subaward is under a contract or if the subaward has not been approved by the sponsor.
You can access these form and pages on our SPA page under, “Subawards”:
· REVISED Subrecipient Commitment Form
· NEW MCA Commitment Form ( Subawards to other UC campuses)
· NEW Subaward Request Form
· NEW Sole Source Justification
· NEW Subaward Forms – Usage & Purpose
· NEW Subrecipient FCOI Addendum
· NEW Subrecipient Financial Disclosure for PHS-Funded Research (800SR)
· NEW Initiating and Managing Subawards
· Guidelines for Subrecipient Monitoring
Finally, we have established the mailbox for all subaward requests and for general questions about our outgoing subawards. Please use this mailbox when corresponding with the Subawards Team.
Soheil Jadali
Principal Subcontracts Officer
Nancy Lewis
Director, Sponsored Projects