Grant Compliance Guidance Dear colleagues, We know that many of you are anxious about ensuring that you are reporting effort appropriately on grants and ensuring compliance with our external funding obligations. Thank you for your patience over the last several weeks as we have all struggled through these challenges together. This email is to provide you the latest, most up to date information we have, including this guidance and FAQ from UCOP. This information does not require any action on your part at this time. The Office for Research and other administrative units across campus are working together to interpret and implement this guidance locally and will let you know if/when you need to take any action. As noted in UCOP’s guidance, the University can only charge wages to a federal award if the awarding agency receives commensurate benefits from the wages charged. Self-attestation forms that document whether employees were on strike this fall should be circulated in the new year. We will establish procedures at the school and University level to shift any charges off grants as needed. We expect to have more information and guidance on this from UCOP, along with local implementation plans, in January. Please do not communicate directly with your graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, nor academic researchers about this FAQ at this time. These are complex circumstances, and we want to ensure that we provide accurate information and advice. We will be back in touch in January. Thank you for your patience. Best wishes for a restful winter break. Sincerely, Hal Stern