The Office of Research is providing access to the NCURA Webinar, Data Security in a Remote Environment, to the campus community free of charge. The webinar will be held on Monday, February 22nd at 11:00am.
To register, you will need to have a member or non-member account with NCURA. Non-member accounts are free to create, and it can be done by going to Once you’ve created your account, you will need to go to and log in, so that the system can register your information (if you’ve registered for one of these previously, you can skip this step). Once that’s been completed, please fill out this Google Form no later than end of day Monday, February 15th.
You can see the details of this webinar in the advertisement below. Should you have any questions, please let me know.
Tammy Meyers
Office Manager
Bring Your Whole Team Together Virtually for One Registration Fee!
Data Security in a Remote EnvironmentLive February 22, 2:00-3:30 pm ETBring Your Whole Team Together Virtually, and Learn How You Can Keep Your Institution Safe in a Remote EnvironmentTopics will include: · Sharing a Working from Home Policy Document· Setting up a home office, ergonomics, equipment, requirements for VPN, 2 Factor Authentication, · Privacy considerations (e.g., Data on home system, cell phones subject to audit)· Freedom of Information Act requests (FOIA) – Keep personal & university data separate· Use of Microsoft Teams – Is that environment ok for Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU) information?· Remote desktop to Office or applications on home equipment?· Resource Availability at home; sharing Broadband/WIFI with family / apartment, etc. Join our expert panel discuss common non-technical issues experienced during the pivot from the traditional office environment to working from home. Register Now!We know many of your team members are working from home. NCURA will be offering additional logins AT NO COST for all registered institutions so your full team can participate…together. Registration includes a license to post the webinar on your institution’s internal training site for continuous learning and on-boarding.NCURA Webinars: Education for your staff today…and tomorrow! Click Here to learn more!
National Council of University Research Administrators | 1015 18th Street NW, Suite 901, Washington, DC 20036