FDP Pilot Impact: New Subrecipient Commitment Forms

Dear Colleagues:

At the recent Life Cycle of an Award Series, we mentioned that UCI is participating in a national pilot called the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) Expanded Clearinghouse.  This project builds on the previous clearinghouse that the FDP built in 2011 to document institutional adherence to Public Health Service Financial Conflict of Interest regulations.  The goal of this expansion is to decrease administrative burdens related to subaward activities.  This pilot is scheduled to go live on August 15, 2016 August 17, 2016 and will enable UCI to rely on on-line profiles for over 90 participating institutions, foregoing the need to collect individualized subrecipient commitment forms.

Upon the go live date, Department Research Administrators and Principal Investigators should:

  • Discontinue completing subrecipient commitment forms you receive from other institutions participating in the pilot;
  • Discontinue requesting subrecipient commitment forms (which are normally included in the proposal package) for UCI subrecipients participating in the pilot; and
  • Continue doing business as usual for institutions not participating in the pilot.

A list of all institutions participating in the pilot may be found at:  http://sites.nationalacademies.org/cs/groups/pgasite/documents/webpage/pga_173303.pdf.

To ease any difficulty posed by this transition, the subaward staff has developed a new form called, Subrecipient Statement of Collaborative Intent which will be posted on the Subawards Website and available for use on the go live date.  This new form will fulfill requirements of both pilot participating institutions as well as non-participating institutions.  Part one of the form is designed to be completed by all subrecipients and will request subaward specific information.  In addition, part two should be completed by non-participating institutions and will request entity specific information.  At the time of proposal, you should continue to collect necessary proposal data from your subrecipients including the Subrecipient Statement of Collaborative Intent.

Please redistribute this information to relevant researchers and staff in your unit.  Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your subawards officer.



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