Essentials of Research Administration at the Departmental Level
Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) is pleased to announce a second session of the “Essentials of Research Administration at the Departmental Level” workshop. The session will be held on Monday, November 17, 2014, 9:00am to 4:30pm in the Student Center’s Balboa Island A room.
This full day workshop is geared toward departmental administrators who support faculty and researchers in any portion of the proposal and award lifecycle. For newer administrators, this course provides a start-to-finish overview of research administration with a focus on the tasks and issues that have the greatest impact on the University. For more seasoned administrators, this course “fills in the blanks” and provides real-life examples of potential pitfalls and successful problem resolution, as well as updates on sponsor policies and UC practices. In the workshop, we will explore best practices for such topics as budget preparation, proposal administration and submission, managing awards, and providing faculty and researchers assistance with project management, including financial management and audits. All of these topics will be discussed within the context of knowledge, tools, and strategies that departmental administrators use to help their faculty members and researchers perform as principal investigators.
Workshop Leaders:
Samantha Westcott Mark Bourbonnais
Manager, Sponsored Projects Team Director, Research Support Services
The Saban Research Institute School of Medicine
Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles University of California, Irvine
Nancy Lewis
Director, Sponsored Projects Administration
University of California, Irvine
There is no cost to attend this workshop, however, attendance will be capped at 70 participants. To register logon to: and search “Departmental Research”. If registration is full, please add your name to the wait list as seats may open up due to cancelations.
This is the same workshop that was held on March 10, 2014. Those who attended the March session will not be permitted to register for this session.
Please forward this announcement to all who may be interested in attending this training session.
For additional information or questions, please contact Nancy Lewis at
Nancy Lewis
Director, Sponsored Projects