Delay in KR Upgrade

Good morning,

Unfortunately, the KR upgrade didn’t happen according to the planned schedule.

OIT has been working all night with the Database Admins on running the upgrade SQL script, but because of the large number of attachments stored in the database (70GB!) in KC, the upgrade script did not work on the first try. In order to continue, they have been moving the attachments over in short six-month chunks. According to preliminary estimates, this will still take approximately five (5) hours to finish. This means that KR will not be live at the start of business on 07/10. The estimated time to go-live is noon or shortly after.

For questions regarding proposal submissions, you can work with your SPA Officer. Thank you for remaining flexible during this time.

We will keep you updated.


Barbara Inderwiesche, CRA

Assistant Director

Electronic Research Administration

Ph: 949.824.4789 Fax: 949.824.2094


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