Compliance Added to DWQuery

Hello Colleagues,

This is to let you know that we’ve added new selections in both the Award and Proposal attributes in the Contracts/Grants Ad Hoc Query  opens in new window .

The attributes include protocol flags and numbers for IRB, IACUC and hSCRO. When selected, the flag is a Y/N value, and the number return the protocol number(s). You could also look up specific protocol numbers by selecting ‘equal to’  in the dropdown and entering the number into the field. This might be useful to find an award or proposal where a particular protocol is listed.

Below is a screenshot for your reference:


If you have any questions regarding this new feature, please contact us at

Thank you,


Barbara Inderwiesche, CRA

Director, Electronic Research Administration

UCI Office of Research

141 Innovation, Suite 250

Irvine, CA 92697-7600

Ph: 949.824.4789




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