PLEASE NOTIFY OF INTENT TO SUBMIT: NSF Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) – Supplements & Sites

The National Science Foundation is inviting grant applications for Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science, which supports long-term collaborative partnerships between K-12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teachers, community college faculty, and the NSF university research community by involving the teachers in engineering and computer science research and helping them translate their research experiences and new knowledge into classroom activities. Partnerships with inner-city schools or other high-need schools are especially encouraged, as is participation by underrepresented minorities, women, and persons with disabilities…(more).

A total of $5.8 million is available for nine awards: RET Site awards offer up to $600,000 over three years, and RET Supplements offer up to $10,000 per teacher for one year.

UCI may submit just 3 proposals: 2 with an engineering focus and 1 with a computer/information science focus for consideration of an award. Typically a proposal limit such as this requires an internal competition, however, due to the restricted breadth of the program and based on previous years’ experience with this call, the Office of Research does not anticipate the need to conduct an internal review.

In order to verify that no internal review is required, interested applicants are asked to send an “Expression of Intent” to the Office of Research  (via email to by Wednesday July 26th if they do intend to submit.  This Expression of Intent may consist of an email from the PI with a brief 1-paragraph overview of the proposed program and its participants, along with a clear indication of the program track the application applies to (Engineering or Computer/Information Science). An expedited internal review and selection process will be held if multiple parties express interest in excess of the program limits. The application to NSF is due on October 10, 2017.

Please note:  RET Supplement applications are not part of the campus’ 3-proposal limit and are therefore not subject to the internal review process. Please consult the guidelines (link below) for more information on submitting a RET Supplement application.

 For more information about NSF RET, please visit  Questions about our internal campus review process may be directed to Greg Ruth at or x4-0372.

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