An Update – The IRB Exempt Self Determination Process and an Updated IRB Exempt Protocol Narrative are now available


Streamlining IRB Exempt Research Review

To continue to streamline the IRB review process, two new updates are now available:

1.An Optional Exempt Self-Determination Process, and

2.An updated Exempt Protocol Narrative for Exempt Research that require IRB review


Optional Exempt Self-Determination Process

Researchers will be able to self-determine whether their research activity meets certain IRB Research Exempt Categories, and would not require IRB review.

Updated Exempt Protocol Narrative

Biomedical Exempt research and Social Behavioral Education Exempt research that require IRB review will now be able to use one Exempt Protocol Narrative.  The Exempt Protocol Narrative is succinct and simplified, to ensure Exempt Category applicability, clarity of the research activity, and reduces ambiguity and potential research noncompliance.

For more information, please read the March 22nd announcement.


Human Research Protections


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