New Report for Principal Investigators: ReviewFinances of Active Awards

Dear Colleagues,

Please see below and share with your faculty if you haven’t already done so. We encourage you to give this tool a try and provide feedback to .


Barbara Inderwiesche, CRA

Assistant Director

Electronic Research Administration

Ph: 949.824.4789 Fax: 949.824.2094



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From: Accounting and Fiscal Services []
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 7:18 PM
To: All Employees on the UCI Campus <;
Subject: New Report for Principal Investigators: Review Finances of Active Awards

Accounting Department Wordmark

New Report for Principal Investigators:
Review the Finances of Active Awards and Projects

Principal Investigators are invited to try out the Award Balance Overview (ABO) report. With this new tool, PIs can quickly see the financial standing of all of their active awards and projects. The report, which is currently in beta, can also show you how much is being spent each month or breakdown expenses by category.

The report defaults to the most recent monthly accounting period, and data is updated in the morning every business day. Projections from the PI Report Application that analysts may have prepared are not included in this report.

Accessing the Report

launch-abo.pngTo test out the ABO report, go to the Contracts and Grants Accounting Homepage and click the “Launch Report” link in the Award Balance Overview box. You may be prompted to login with your UCInetID and password.

  • If you are listed as a Principal Investigator on at least one Active Award: The report will automatically detect your UCInetID and populate all of your active awards.
  • If you are a Departmental Research Administrator: You can input the UCInetID of the PI you would like to view in the “Project Director UCINetID” field and press enter.

We recommend using Mozilla Firefox to access the report.

User Guide and Feedback

A detailed guide for using this tool is available. Because this report is still in beta, we would appreciate feedback on your experience using it. If you have questions not addressed in the guide or have feedback about the ABO report, please contact the KFS Help Desk at

Future Development

The ABO report is still in beta, so you should expect new features and enhancements to be added in the future. After experimenting with the report, you may notice that you cannot “drill-through” to detailed payroll information. In the future, we will be adding a breakdown of this data by employee along with other useful features.

Accounting and Fiscal Services

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