CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Burroughs Wellcome Fund Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases Awards

The Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) is inviting applications for the Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases Awards, which support projects that enable assistant professors to study what happens at the points where human and microbial systems connect.The program supports research that sheds light on the fundamentals that affect the outcomes of this encounter: how colonization, infection, commensalism and other relationships play out at levels ranging from molecular interactions to systemic ones.

The program emphasizes research that opens up unexplored areas.  Research on under-studied infectious diseases, including pathogenic fungi, protozoan and metazoan diseases, and emerging infections is especially of interest. In addition, excellent animal models of human disease, including work done in veterinary research settings, are within the program’s scope. Interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged. This is a career development award for individual investigators and does not support collaborative teams.

This award provides $500,000 over a period of five years.

Candidates must have an established record of independent research and hold a tenure-track position as an assistant professor or equivalent to apply.

The institution may nominate up to two candidates. However, additional submissions may be accepted if applicants fit one of the following criteria: holds a D.V.M. degree, is an underrepresent minority, or their proposed research project is in pathogenic helminthes, mycology, or reproductive science.

Since UCI may potentially nominate two or more candidates, depending on how many of the above conditions are met, interested applicants are asked to submit a preliminary application to the Office of Research by August 25, 2014 (via electronic submission to, with the following information:

  • A project description (no more than  three pages),
    • Please indicate clearly if the research described falls under the category of pathogenic helminthes, mycology, or reproductive science.
  • Preliminary budget,
  • Candidate’s CV or bio sketch (no more than two pages),
  • Support letter from the Dean (or the equivalent in units without a Dean).

If necessary, an ad hoc committee will convene to review the preliminary proposals.  The selected PI(s) will be notified in ample time to meet BWF’s November 3, 2014 deadline for full proposals.

For the complete BWF guidelines please refer to:  Questions about our internal campus review process may be directed to Greg Ruth at or x4-0372.
John C. Hemminger
Vice Chancellor for Research

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