Call for Proposals: American Heart Association Vascular Disease Strategically Focused Research Network


Internal (details below): July 14 – Notification of intent; July 21 – Internal application

Sponsor: LOI (optional) – August 1; Full proposal – September 26

Award Info

Up to $3,709,200 for four years for each Center; AHA will fund 3-5 Centers.

Description of a AHA SFRN Center

Centers seek to have basic, clinical and/or population/behavioral health teams join together and submit proposals which address the designated topic via their individual areas of expertise. A Center may be sited at one or at multiple U.S. institutions under the leadership of one. Each Center applies for funding individually and is peer reviewed by the AHA. The most meritorious Center applications and their research projects will be combined by the AHA to form an AHA Strategically Focused Research Network. Broad collaborations for expertise are highly encouraged. A Center’s application can consist of three (3) proposals from their one (1) institution; or they can reach out and bring in other projects from other institutions. For example: a basic project could come from laboratory X in Delaware; a clinical project from hospital Y in Texas and a population/ translational project from University Z in California, with the primary applicant being any of these institutions.

Focus of this SFRN RFA

Vascular Diseases, specifically Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) and/or Aortic Disease, constitute a broad array of disorders, but applications responsive to this SFRN RFA must focus specifically on peripheral artery disease and aortic diseases in order to enhance synergy among centers and within the network. Applications focusing on other vascular diseases, such as: coronary artery disease; cerebrovascular disease; acute and chronic venous diseases including venous thromboembolism, venous insufficiency and varicose veins; pulmonary and systemic hypertension; vasospasm; lymphedema; or vasculitis will NOT be considered.

Internal Application Process

IMPORTANT: Ahead of the internal application deadline of July 21st, interested applicants are first asked to email their intent to submit by sending a draft proposal title, brief summary description of the ‘synergetic focus’ of the proposed center, and a list of primary applicants (Name of center director and leads on the 3 R01 type proposals) to  Please send this information by Friday, July 14, 2017.

UCI is limited to submitting one center application in response to this RFA, therefore interested applicants are asked to submit the following materials for to the Office of Research (via the UCI Review application portal) for internal review by July 21, 2017:

  • Overview (“vision”) of the proposed center along with project summaries of the 3 RO1-style inter-related research projects that will make up the center (3-4 pages)
  • Description of the required multidisciplinary training program for the 3 fellows (1 page)
  • Preliminary Budget
  • CVs of the Center Director and PIs of the 3 RO1-style proposals

If necessary, an ad hoc committee will convene to review the preliminary proposals. The selected team will be notified in time to meet AHA’s (optional) letter of intent deadline of August 1; full proposals are due September 26.


For the complete guidelines, including details about the SFRN program—which has crucial details not present in the RFA—please visit
. Questions about our internal campus review process may be directed to Greg Ruth at or x4-0372.

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