Reminder NCURA Region VI – Lunchtime Learning Subaward Series: Behind the Regs (7/9/24)


NCURA Region VI Education and Professional Development Committee

Lunchtime Learning Subaward Series: Behind the Regs


July 9, 2024, 12:00-12:45 pm PST

Register Here


The Region VI Education and Professional Development Committee (EPDC) is proud to announce our Lunchtime Learning Series; a short 45-minute session with a focus on a specific topic. This is the second in a three part series and is not meant to be an in-depth training, but an opportunity for colleagues to present and discuss tips, tricks and tools that have worked (or not worked). This month’s focus is on the revisions to 2 CFR 200 that will impact subawards and subrecipient monitoring. The session goals are to provide guidance for attendees to understand the implementation timelines for each update and discuss best practices, ideas, and questions from the participants.


Join us July 9 for Behind the Regs with Carrie Chesbro and Roseann Luongo.


Carrie Chesbro is the Assistant Director for Subawards and Subrecipient Monitoring at Stanford University. She has more than twenty years of experience in research administration at institutions of higher education, spanning both departmental and central office roles. She has been a member of NCURA since 2014 and regularly presents at regional and national NCURA conferences.


Roseann Luongo is a research administration and compliance professional with extensive experience in federal regulations, organizational design, and regulatory response. She has over 20 years of experience in research compliance and administration, including risk assessment, policy and process development, and compliance concern investigation. Roseann has advised clients on organization redesign, interpreted agency guidance for sponsor disclosure, served as a U.S. Attorney’s office witness, participated in federal agency interviews, and is a leader of Huron’s research compliance practice.


Registration deadline is July 7, 2024. The presentation link will be provided to registrants by July 8, 2024. The webinar is free for registrants.


For additional information or questions, please contact EPDC Chair, Vanessa Quiroz Hotz.

National Council of University Research Administrators | 1015 18th Street NW, Suite 901 | Washington, DC 20036 US

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