Fw: eRA Reminder: Automated Trainee Diversity Report Required to be Submitted Electronically with RPPR for Specified Training, Career and Other Grants Starting October 30, 2020

Dear Colleagues:
Please see the important notice below from NIH regarding the requirement to submit the automated Trainee Diversity Report with RPPR’s for institutional research training grants, institutional career development awards and research education awards that require appointments through the xTrain system. The requirement goes into effect tomorrow, October 30, 2020. The Trainee Diversity Report can be generated from either xTrain or the RPPR module.

If you should have any questions regarding this requirement, please direct them to the Contract and Grant Officer assigned to your department.


From: eRA Information – Public <ERA-INFORMATION-L@LIST.NIH.GOV&gt; on behalf of eRA Communications Office <eRACommunications@MAIL.NIH.GOV&gt;
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2020 11:46 AM
Subject: eRA Reminder: Automated Trainee Diversity Report Required to be Submitted Electronically with RPPR for Specified Training, Career and Other Grants Starting October 30, 2020

eRA Reminder: Automated Trainee Diversity Report Required to be Submitted Electronically with RPPR for Specified Training, Career and Other Grants Starting October 30, 2020

Thursday, October 29, 2020

This is a reminder that effective October 30, 2020, institutions receiving specified institutional research training grants, institutional career development awards and research education awards (see specified activity codes in message below) must submit the automated Trainee Diversity Report electronically with their Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs, including annual, interim, and final), if applicable (please read about the exceptions in the message further below). RPPRs without an automatically generated report will be rejected.


  • Reduces burden on the recipients by leveraging existing demographic information in the Personal Profile of trainees.
  • The Trainee Diversity Report can be generated from either the xTrain or RPPR module.

Generating the Report:

From the xTrain module, you will find the Generate Trainee Diversity Report link on the Trainee Roster (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Generate Trainee Diversity Report in the Trainee Roster screen

Figure 1: Generate Trainee Diversity Report in the Trainee Roster screen

From the RPPR module, the Generate the Trainee Diversity Report link will be found in Section B.4 (see Figure 2). Click the link to open and review the report, which can then be attached to the RPPR by clicking the Submit for RPPR button and confirming the submission.

Figure 2: Generate the Trainee Diversity Report in Section B.4 of the RPPR

Figure 2: Generate the Trainee Diversity Report in Section B.4 of the RPPR

The Trainee Diversity Report can be submitted to the RPPR as many times as necessary to provide the most accurate information possible. Any previous submissions will be overwritten. This can be done up to the time that the RPPR is submitted by the signing official to the awarding agency.


(Original message below sent Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 4:10 p.m. ET)


eRA Enhancement: Automated Trainee Diversity Report Required to be Submitted Electronically with RPPR for Specified Training, Career and Other Grants Starting October 30, 2020

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Submitting a Trainee Diversity Report with the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) has long been required by NIH for institutional training and career development awards and most research education grants.  For recipient organizations, this has involved manually collecting the demographic information from trainees for the report. To reduce the burden on recipients, eRA has developed a streamlined Trainee Diversity Report that leverages existing demographic information entered by trainees and other appointees in the Personal Profile of eRA Commons during the appointment process and thus minimizes the need for manual data entry by recipients.

This automated report will be available effective Friday, October 30. As of that date, institutions receiving specified institutional research training grants, institutional career development awards and research education awards (see specified grants below) must submit the automated Trainee Diversity Report electronically with their RPPRs (annual, interim, and final). RPPRs without an automatically generated report will be rejected.

The report can be generated by recipients from the xTrain and RPPR modules and the signing official (SO) will submit the RPPR with the automated report.


The electronically generated Trainee Diversity Report will be implemented through the RPPR submission process for institutional research training grants, institutional career development awards, and research education awards that require appointments through the xTrain system, including the following:

     T15, T32, T34, T35, T37, T42, T90, TL1, TU2, TL4, K12/KL2, R25, R38, R90, RL5, RL9

The eRA system will check whether the RPPRs for the specified grant types include an electronically generated Trainee Diversity Report (See Figure 1). RPPRs lacking an electronically generated report will not be accepted.

Note: For K12/KL2, R25, KM1, and R90 awards, the eRA system will check if any appointments were made electronically through xTrain. If an appointment was made, NIH will require an electronically generated report. If no appointments were made, the system will not be able to generate a report and a manual upload will be required.


Figure 1: A sample of the new Trainee Diversity Report

Key Points

  • It is important to note that the Trainee Diversity Report will be most accurate when trainees complete their Personal Profile in eRA Commons.  Demographic information is collected at an individual level through the Personal Profile but is reported as aggregate data.  This means it is not associated with a specific trainee (See Figure 2).  While “Do not wish to provide” is an option for all users, it is important that trainees understand the value of accurately completing their demographic information for NIH’s goal of creating a diverse biomedical workforce.

Figure 3: Demographics section of the Personal Profile note data is confidential and used for aggregate statistical reporting only

Figure 2: The Demographics section of the Personal Profile.  Note that data is confidential and used for aggregate statistical reporting only

  • Recipient organizations should encourage trainees to keep their information updated in their Personal Profiles.
  • The automated diversity report can be generated from either the xTrain module or the RPPR module in the eRA Commons as a PDF. The signing official (SO) will then submit the automated diversity report with the RPPR.


electronic Research Administration (eRA)

NIH Office of Extramural Research

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