2017 UC Multicampus Research Programs and Initiatives (MPRI) Funding Opportunity

Dear Colleagues:

I am writing to provide additional information regarding proposals for the 2017 UC Multicampus Research Program (MPRI) funding opportunity (FOA) that are to be submitted to UCOP via Proposal Central on or before noon PST (12:00pm), Thursday, July 21st.

This year, the UC MPRI FOA states that full proposals must be submitted through the UC campus Contracts and Grants or Sponsored Projects Office. As a result, these proposals, whether UCI is the host campus or a collaborating campus, must be submitted to SPA through Kuali Coeus for institutional review and submission to either UCOP or the host campus.

Additionally, the UCOP Research and Graduate Programs’ Contract and Grant office (RGPO) sent out the note set forth below regarding a change/correction to the approved template format for full proposals submitted under the MPRI Multi-year Program Award mechanism only. The corrected template is attached. Principal Investigators who received approval to submit full proposals to the MRPI Multi-year Award mechanism have received information regarding this change directly from UCOP RGPO.

If you should have any questions regarding this procedure, please contact the Senior Contract and Grant Officer assigned to your unit or Jeff Warner.


Dear 2017 MRPI Program Award applicants,

It has come to our attention that there is an error in the “Research Proposal” template provided in the Application Materials on proposalCENTRAL (pC). The template erroneously includes a section for “Prior Accomplishments.” Please use the corrected template file, “Research Proposal – Corrected Template” for your Research Proposal section (11 pages total) to complete your application. This corrected template version is attached to this email, and is now available on pC for download.

NOTE: If you have already uploaded your Research Proposal into proposal CENTRAL, you must replace your file as the “Research Proposal – Corrected Template” attachment type.  If you have already downloaded and completed the prior version of the template (and do not want to cut and paste into the corrected template), then you must delete the final section, titled “Prior Accomplishments” from the old template before converting to .pdf and uploading it as the “Research Proposal – Corrected Template” attachment.

(For those applicants who meet the criteria for documenting their prior accomplishments for the purposes of this competition, please use the separate “Prior Accomplishments” template and follow the instructions for that component.)

We apologize for our error and any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused, and thank those of you who brought it to our attention.

If you have any questions, please contact us at RGPOGrants@ucop.edu.



RGPO on behalf of UC Research Initiatives

Research Grants Program Office (RGPO)

University of California Office of the President

300 Lakeside Drive, 6th Fl

Oakland, CA 94612

510.987.9386 | RGPOGrants@ucop.edu

RGPO: http://www.ucop.edu/research-grants-program/

doc icon Research-Proposal-Program-CORRECTED.DOCX

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